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Hard Bondage & Torture Video Clips Vol.2


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DESCRIPTION: In the big final, he first asks her to make a very evident make-up of her lips, using the black lipstick, then he wants to teach her the ten things to do during a blowjob. He tells her that all men likes every one of these things, so he will say and explain them one by one, and Juliette will do each one, best she is able.

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Duration: 0:20:43
File Size: 121 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3779 - Blowjob Queen - Part 3 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Am nachsten Morgen weckt sie der Typ. Nun weiss er, was er mit Juliette machen soll. Er hat mit seinem Boss telefoniert. Und dieser meinte, dass Juliette verschwinden soll. Aber vorher mochte der Typ seinen Spass mit Juliette. Er losst due Fussfesseln und holt seinen harten Schwanz aus der Hose. Ein geilen Blowjob will er und Juliette hat keine Wahl. Der Blowjob ist so geil! Als der Typ in ihren Mund abspritzt, soll Juliette sein Sperma runterschlucken. Er mochte namlich nicht den Zellenfussboden reinigen. Er nimmt ein Tuch und stopft dieses in ihren Mund und knebelt Juliette mit Tape. Ein schwarzer Beutel kommt ueber ihren Kopf und so bringt der Typ sie zu seinem Auto. Er fahrt tief in die Walder. Juliette muss den Wagen verlassen und mit dem Beutel uebern Kopf muss sie durch den Wald zu einem Baum stolpern. Mit einem Seil wird sie fest an den Baum gefesselt. Der Typ verlasst Juliette. Sie hat Angst und irgendwann sackt sie zusammen.

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Duration: 0:15:26
File Size: 103 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3780 - Industrial Spy Caught - Part 2 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette is scared about all the gags and tries to tell him that. But he has no mercy. After Juliette lays on the sofa he ungags her and pushes his dick in her mouth. Again and again. Fantastic blowjob. After a while he gags her again with the ring gag and puts more lipstick on her lips and fucks her mouth through the gag. He exits from her mouth, put the inflatable gag inside her mouth and inflates it at the maximum and leaves her alone.
He gives her some little slapping on her face. He deflate the inflatable gag and get it out from her mouth, then unlocks the ring gag. He suddenly starts to face fuck her very strongly, until he comes on her face and lips.

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Duration: 0:19:27
File Size: 103 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3781 - Blowjob Queen - Part 2 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette works in a office. She is a secretary, but nobody knows thats she is a spy agent. Now it's time to go home. She takes her gloves and a raincoat and leaves the office. But she cames back. Very quiet and she hopes nobody is there. She takes an USB-Stick and begins to steal data from the computer. But her plan is foiled by the security. The man comes in and Juliette is very surprised and she tries to explain, but the guy doesn't believe her. Juliette comes in a cold and dark cell and there she has to wait. After a while the guys comes back and ties her with handcuffs and ropes to an hogtie. So she has to wait the whole night in the cell.

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Duration: 0:17:28
File Size: 99 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3782 - Industrial Spy Caught - Part 1 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: After the blowjob he wants to fuck her. She has to stand up and he fucks her from behind. Oh yeah. What a horny latx girl. He cums on her ass. Juliette is disgusted because the sperm is on her ass. They go back in the cellar. There he ties her in a better position with a chain. So Juliette can really not move.

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Duration: 0:18:16
File Size: 98 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3783 - Latexgirl Tied And Fucked - Part 2 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: The door bell ring, a man go to open and there is Juliette, dressed with a very sexy evening dress and very heavy make up on her eyes and lots of deep red lipstick on her lips. She tells the man that she is there for the lesson. Both sits on a sofa. She tells him that her man complaint about her blowjobs and she wants now a lesson from him to do better blowjobs. He tells her that he must understand where the problems are, and to do that she must do some trial, some of them will be pleasant and fun and other not. A little scared she agrees.
He gives her a banana and she has to simulate a good blowjob on it and she starts to lick and kiss it. After the banana is out of her mouth the man tells her to retouch the lipstick. Now it’s time for some practical exercises, with his cock. First he tells her that a good blowjob must be done without hands, only with the mouth, so he gets a pair of handcuff and put them on her hands behind her back, with some difficulties, because she doesn’t want to be handcuffed! Then he tells her to go down on her knees, explaining that is the best position for blowjob, then asks her to show him what she is able to do with his cock. She start to lick his cock. After a while he becomes very active. He takes her head in his hands and driving it on his cock. After the blowjob it’s time for new lipstick and later he uncuffs her and takes a ring gag and a inflatable gag. He quickly put the big ring gag deep inside her mouth and locks it very tight behind her head. The man puts also the inflatable gag into her mouth.

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Duration: 0:19:27
File Size: 99 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3784 - Blowjob Queen - Part 1 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette only hears him, she can't see him, because she wears black lenses. The guy put on the harness and her hands are tied on her back with a monoglove. The guy puts leathercuffs on Juliette feets and connected feets with a chain. Now its time for blinkers. A ponygirl needs this and Juliette holds still like a good horse. After ponygirl Juliette is create, both leave the room to prepare the ponygirl for the night. The best place ist the cellar. There Juliette gets more bonds and her arms are tied high. A good position for a ponygirl to be quiet at night. The guy leaves his ponygirl. Juliette kneels on the floor and is strictly bound. Good Night, Ponygirl!

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Duration: 0:20:50
File Size: 156 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3785 - Caught To Be A Ponygirl - Part 2 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette is in a cold cellar. She wears a latex miniksirt and a latex top, a slavecollar and leather boots. She is tied with ropes. The man is away who tied her in the cellar. So maybe she can untie herself. She struggles a lot and really: The ropes looses and after Juliette is free again she searches after a camera. She remembers that the guy tooks photos from her. But it takes to long. The guy comes back and overpowers her again. She has to put on leathercuffs. They leave the cellar. The guy wants to punish Juliette because she wants to run away.
In the bedroom he ties her hands above her head with a long rope. He connects also a spreaderbar between her ankles. Now it’s time for little punishment. He knows that Juliette ist very ticklish. The best way for punishment is to tickle her. And after a while she agrees for blowjob.

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Duration: 0:18:27
File Size: 88 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3786 - Latexgirl Tied And Fucked - Part 1 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette is on the way to her horse. She walks along a lonely way to the paddock. She wears black riding boots and a special riding breeches. Suddenly a car stops in front of her. Juliette doesn't know what happens. She can't run away fast enough. The guys handgags her and commands her to his car. There she gets handcuffs behind her back and anklecuffs. The guy connects the cuffs to an hogtie. Juliette struggles against her cuffs on the back seat while the guy is driving to his home. Juliette wears no bra. You can see her nipples through the shirt. Finally they stop at the house of the guy and Juliette has to walk with the cuffs on her hands and feets into the house. Juliette has to sit on a chair. The guy uncuffs her. He takes a mirror and black contact lenses and put all on the table. Juliette has to use black contactlenses. Now she can't see anything. She has to take off all her clothes. Not so easy because she is blind with the black contact lenses. Juliette is completely naked now. The guy comes to her with a harness for her body.

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Duration: 0:20:28
File Size: 135 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3787 - Caught To Be A Ponygirl - Part 1 .rar


Active Member

DESCRIPTION: Milena has to pay high taxes and therefor is the man at Milena's home. He wants the money NOW. And he wants some fun with milena. Both goes in the bedroom. Milena has to lay on her bed and the guy ties her with ropes to the bed. Milena wears sexy leather boots, leather skirt and nylons. The man is really horny now!
The man fucks Milena from behind and also anal. Yeah, what a good fuck. He gets the taxes and good sex. What he wants more. After he has cums into Milenas pussy he takes the money, gagges Milena and leaves her. She struggles and she tries to answer to Marika who is screaming after her sister.

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Duration: 0:16:59
File Size: 69 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3788 - Twins In Distress - Part 2 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: The next command is that I should kneel down. He enjoys the sight of me and groped my tits. Now I have to undress completely naked. So anyone can see my shaved pussy. He commanded me to stand up and cross my hands behind my back. Then I get tied up again. Once again I must get on my knees and my feet are tied too. The burglar lefts me alone and I struggle in my bonds to get free. I'm still struggling in my ties as he comes back. He sets a box next to me. Then he puts me, bound as I am, with the upper body on the box, so I present to him my ass. Then he takes his clothes off and begins to fuck me from behind. He pushes his cock deep into my pussy and I move in the rhythm of his pushes. Then he sprayed his sperm on my ass. The full charge. But my punishment is not over yet. He unties my feet and commands me on my knees to come to him to the sofa. I have to sit down in front of the sofa and must licking his cock clean.

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Duration: 0:19:28
File Size: 109 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3789 - Trip To Slavery - Part 2 .rar


Active Member

DESCRIPTION: Milena and Marika are twins. Marika is at home as a man from the tax office knocks on the door. Marika opens the door but she don't want that the man comes in, because he wants to speak with her sister Milena and Milena is still in her office and not at home. But the man overpowers Marika and ties her up with ropes on the floor and later in a hogtie on the sofa.
The guy takes a phone and searches after Milenas number. So Marika has to call to her sister and ask her when she comes home. After calling the guy gags Marikas mouth with nylons. After a short while the guy hears a car. Milena is coming. So the guy overpowers Milena also in the kitchen and cuffs her hands behind.

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Duration: 0:16:27
File Size: 85 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3790 - Twins In Distress - Part 1 .rar


Active Member

DESCRIPTION: A man surprised me when I come home from work. He pushes me on the kitchen table and tied my hands behind my back. A gag and a blindfold can not miss. Then he takes me to his car. I go in the trunk, ties my feet and drives off. Through the blindfold, I have no idea where it goes. He brings me to his house. There he gets me out of the car and carries me into it over his shoulder. Now begins my enslavement. I will be untied and he orders me to undress. I think it's more comfortable to do what he says. The blindfold and the gag stay tuned of course. Then I just stand still in my white corset and my panties. What now?

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Duration: 0:19:28
File Size: 120 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3791 - Trip To Slavery - Part 1 .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette is still in the house of her ex boss. She rushed in because she searched after evidences that he evades taxes. But he surprised her and tied her up with spreader bars between hands and feets. After a doggystyle fuck she was left in the room till now. Juliette is not amused that she has stay so long on her heels and tied up. Her ex boss comes back. Will she finally cooperate? He tests her but she is still obstinate. So the best thing is a blowjob. Oh yeah, he presses her head to his dick and she blows his dick. Fantastic blowjob girl. He cums in her mouth and she drools and moans.

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Duration: 0:20:26
File Size: 122 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3792 - Spreaded Blowjob .rar


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DESCRIPTION: Juliette lays in a trunk. She wears a white blouse and a black skirt. She is blindfolded and her hands are cuffed in front of her. She also wears nylons and open toe sandals. Her feets are cuffed with anklecuffs and on her neck sits a slavecollar. The car stops and a guy opens the trunk and commands Juliette out of the car. They goes in a cellar. There he prepares her for the next step. First her uncuffs her und he takes the blindfold away. Then she has to take of her clothes. Her hands are cuffed behind her back with leathercuffs. On her neck sits now a leather slavecollar. He pushes an analplugg in her ass and later the plugg is fixed with a belt. She gets also a ringgag and through the ringgag he pushes also an inflatable gag in her mouth. Now its time for the nipples. He slowly put on nippleclamps. On her feets are now also leathercuffs. The guy connects the anklecuffs with a chain. Not so easy to go. But Juliette has to go upstairs. She doesn’t know, what happens to her upstairs.

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Duration: 0:23:44
File Size: 99 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x360

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3793 - Transport To Slavery .rar


Active Member

DESCRIPTION: Juliette comes home from work. She's wearing a wetlook legging, a jeans jacket and high heels. She has a little headache and so she lays down on the sofa with a cold rag at her eyes. What she don't know: A man has broken into her house. Juliette thinks it's her darling who's coming to her for some sexual play and so she let the man blindfolds her. He cuffs her hands behind her back and ties her feet with ropes. As the man has tied up Juliette he tolds her that she has to blow his dick now. That's the moment she realises that this is not her darling who ties her up. She struggles and starts to cry, but the man commands her to her knees. Then he takes out his cock and sits down on the sofa. He makes Juliette to take his dick into her mouth and she must also lick it. Juliette self feels the cold steel of the handcuffs at her wrists and tries to find a more comfortable position. But finally she she has to do what the man tells her. Then he starts to strip her top to see her naked tits. After the man has stripped Juliettes top, he touches and squeezes her tits. This is the only moment in which the poor girl gets a time out from her blowjob. But it's only a short break and the man pulls her back to his dick. Now she must blow his cock to the end. The man loads his cum right on her naked breasts. He laughs and tells Juliette that she now can wait for her darling, half naked, handcuffed and totally spermed....

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Duration: 0:24:16
File Size: 243 Mb
File Type: FLV
Resolution: 640x480

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3794 - Tricked By An Intruder .rar


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Genres: Holly, Qu33nSn@ke, lezdom, bondage, rubber-band, welts

DESCRIPTION: Another rubber band shooting practice, Qu33nSn@ke is showing off some serious sniper skills on Holly's reproductive nerve nodes.

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Duration: 0:30:26
File Size: 1793 Mb
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1920x1080

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3795 - RUBBER BAND - HOLLY - June 4, 2016 Part 1.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3795 - RUBBER BAND - HOLLY - June 4, 2016 Part 2.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3795 - RUBBER BAND - HOLLY - June 4, 2016 Part 3.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3795 - RUBBER BAND - HOLLY - June 4, 2016 Part 4.rar


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Genres: Jeby, Qu33nSn@ke, nettle, outdoor, lezdom

DESCRIPTION: Jeby such an obedient little puppy dog, she fetches the ball, walks, runs, crawls and rolls into the stinging nettle field on command. The result is millions of painful stings pierced into her skin like needles from head to toe. I warned her in vain about the hellish after effects but she insisted so she got her three-days of sleepless nights and burning skin.

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Duration: 0:22:01
File Size: 1314 Mb
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1920x1080

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3796 - NETTLE PUPPY - May 26, 2016 Part 1.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3796 - NETTLE PUPPY - May 26, 2016 Part 2.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3796 - NETTLE PUPPY - May 26, 2016 Part 3.rar


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Genres: Tanita, Qu33nSn@ke, brush, toilet-brush, t-brush, insertion, lesbian, fisting, double-fisting

DESCRIPTION: Tanita is my best fuck buddy. This time we fucked each other with a special, home made two ended dildo. The ends of the dildo were toilet brushes so we could get cleaned inside together. Very efficient.

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Duration: 0:29:38
File Size: 1013 Mb
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1280x720

DOWNLOAD --->>> 3797 - TWIN BRUSH - May 21, 2016 Part 1.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3797 - TWIN BRUSH - May 21, 2016 Part 2.rar
DOWNLOAD --->>> 3797 - TWIN BRUSH - May 21, 2016 Part 3.rar


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