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~Scatmania | Shit and eat dirty collection~


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Scatmania Tulip - Breakfast At Tulip's

Here is the opening scene from Tulip:
Poo-vert, you are here this morning for breakfast at Tulip's. And you know what breakfast at Tulip's means to you. Poo-vert, your breakfast is going to be served, compliments of Tulip's terrific, tender tush. After all, this is a Tulip's Turd Tunnel production. Oh, it's a production, alright. It's a production of shit. From Tulip's turd-tunnel. So, anyone who is not expecting shit from this production, is in the wrong place.
But Poo-vert, you are in the right place. Because you know what to expect from a Tulip's Turd Tunnel production. You know what breakfast at Tulip's means. That's right, you get to eat Tulip's terrific shit. Compliments of Tulip's terrific, tender tush. Compliments of Tulip's turd-tunnel. Are you hungry for breakfast?
Good. Open your mouth for my naked, stinky, smelly, shit-filled ass. Eat my shit. Eat Tulip's terrific shit.

Format: mp4
Size: 2.75 GB
Duration: 00:17:00


Scatmania_Tulip - Breakfast at Tulip's.mp4


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Scatmania Tulip - Fucked Up

Here is the opening scene:
Hey Poo-vert, you know that many people think it�s fucked up that you like to eat the produce of girl-ass. After all, naked, stinky girl-ass does exactly the same disgusting thing that man-ass does. That�s right, girl-crap is no better than man-crap.
You know that girl-shit is just as stinky, just as smelly, just as filthy, just as nasty, just as disgusting as man-shit is. And do you know why?
Because it�s shit. That�s why.
But for some reason, you still love to eat girl-shit. I am talking about stinky, smelly, filthy, nasty, disgusting girl-crap. But you still love to eat girl-shit.
Because you are a Poo-vert.
So, Poo-vert, are you ready for my shit-filled ass to unload a stinky, smelly dump of caca doo doo?

Format: mp4
Size: 3.08 GB
Duration: 00:31:51


Scatmania_Tulip - Fucked up.mp4


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Scatmania Tulip - Girls Shit

This is how the clip starts out:
Poo-vert, do these floral-panties look too pretty to be covering up a fat shit?
I agree. These flowers look too pretty to be covering up something that does not smell like flowers. But, how about without the flowers?
Now, does my bare-ass look too good to shit?
I know. After all, I have such a beautiful, bare bum.
Poo-vert, you know how Tulip's tush feels. So, does my bare-ass feel too good to shit?
Of course. After all, this is Tulip's terrific, tender tush.
No wonder why, so many guys say, Girls Don't Shit. After all, glorious girl-ass looks too good to shit and feels too good to shit.
But, Poo-vert, does my bare-ass smell too good to shit?
I know. I have such a naked, stinky ass. Actually, there is a lot more stink waiting to come out of my naked, stinky ass. A lot more stink. And that's because girls shit. That's right, Tulip craps from this fleshy, feminine fecal-factory.
My pretty, pink poop-pipe is changing colour from pink to brown. And that's because girls poop. That's right, Tulip shits from a shapely, shameless shit-maker.

Format: mp4
Size: 2.77 GB
Duration: 00:17:09


Scatmania_Tulip - Girls Shit.mp4


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Scatmania Tulip - So Full Of Shit

Here are some quotes from Tulip:
This will be your breakfast or lunch. Maybe it will be your brunch.
You are just a poo-vert, who loves being controlled, by this feminine fecal-factory. And that is what I do. I control you, with this fleshy, feminine fecal-factory.
I know all you think about when you are out in public and you see a girl with a beautiful ass. You just think about the shits that she takes. That is what arouses you the most. Not imagining fucking her. No. That is not for poo-verts. You are just a true poo-vert. And all you think about is eating and smelling her shit. And watching her take it, too. Seeing her ass gape around a fat turd. Fat turds that you wish you can take into your mouth. You think it is so glorious.
Do you feel controlled, by my shit-hole, Poo-vert? And it is so ironic that I control you with such a shitty part of me.
Poo-verts, like you, no longer need to rely on your imagination, when you are with me. Because your imagination runs wild, when seeing women in public. It runs wild, thinking about all the senses, that are going to be engaged, when a woman has to take a shit. You want to see her, taking a shit. You want to smell the shit, she is taking. You want to eat the shit. You want to touch the shit. You just want everything to do with her shit. As long as it is coming from a beautiful fecal-factory. And that is what you think about, when you are out in public.
And this girl-ass truly is such a shit-factory. Just a big, fleshy, feminine fecal-factory. Such a big, feminine fecal-factory that just turned from pink to brown. Did you get to see how my ass gaped, around that fat shit? Did that turn you on? This feminine, creator of shit.
And you enjoy the product of girl-ass. What does girl-ass produce? Caca. That�s right. Girl-shit is the produce of girl-ass.
It will be nice and fresh and warm. Just like the nice, fresh, warm shit, I just took into your mouth. Caca doo doo. The fresher, the better. And that is how we all like our produce. Like a nice loaf of bread. Except instead of a loaf of bread, it is produce from girl-ass. A loaf of caca.
Poo-verts, like you, just love everything about girl-ass. And I truly mean, everything. And this video is proof of it. Absolutely everything. The smell, the taste, the texture, the look, the produce from my girl-ass, the caca connection. That is what you live for. You live for the produce of girl-ass. You worship the produce of girl-ass. You just want that caca connection, all the time.

Format: mp4
Size: 3.15 GB
Duration: 00:19:31


Scatmania_Tulip - So Full of Shit.mp4


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Scatmania Tulip - Tulip's One Reason

Here is the opening of the scene:
Hello slave. Do you want to see the naked glory of my great, glorious girl-ass?
Of course you do. After all, I am talking about Tulip's terrific, tender tush. So, of course, you want to see my beautiful, bare bum.
But slave. There is only one reason why I bare my ass to slaves, like you. Only one reason. And that's to feed you the product of my delightful, delectable derriere.
Listen up, slave. Beneath these panties is a shameless shit-shack. But my shit-shack is only shameless for slaves who eat what comes out of my shameless shit-chute. So slave, do you promise to eat the product of Tulip's turd-tunnel?
Good. But I have to warn you, slave. The product of Tulip's turd-tunnel does not smell like tulips. In fact, it doesn't smell like any kind of flower. That's because the product of Tulip's turd-tunnel is shit. Stinky, smelly shit. So slave, do you want to see the naked glory of my shapely, shaggable shit-shack?
Of course you do. But here is one last warning. From the moment I pull my panties down, you are obligated to eat all of my smelly crap. Because that's the only reason why I bare my ass to a slave, like you. Do you understand?
That's good. It's time to turn my pretty, pink poop-pipe into a beastly, brown bum-hole.

Format: mp4
Size: 2.1 GB
Duration: 00:12:59


Scatmania_Tulip - Tulip's One Reason.mp4


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Scatmania Tulip - What Toilets Are Exposed To

Here are some quotes from Tulip:
You are going to keep on stroking for me, until you cum. You got that, toilet? Because you are aroused by watching my womanly shit-chute take a crap. Right on your face, into your mouth, stinking up the whole room.
Keep stroking, Poo-vert. Stroke to this fleshy, feminine fecal-factory. And the sight of my shit-hole. My brown, exposed, naked, stinky shit-hole. So smelly and stenchy. Stinky and disgusting. But you love it. Do you like being a disgusting toilet?
You see it as thorough, thorough worship. Worshipping something to its fullest. Worshipping the beauty that is my ass. My beautiful, big, white ass.
Beauty and the beastly stink of my ass. I am the beauty and what you just consumed is the beastly stink. Yes, stroke that little cock.
As I was eating my breakfast, I thought to myself, my human toilet Poo-vert is really going to want and love this shit, so I better brew up a good one. Straight from my shit-chute. Tulips turd pipe.
Are you inhaling that stinky stench? I want to hear you. Yeh, that�s right.
You like when my cheeks are spread. I feel the stretch, just like I felt the stretch of that turd, coming out of my shit-chute.
It feels so good to just release, and then push onto your face. Knowing that it is going to be appreciated, like how it should. Somebody, who truly wants to and does appreciate it. It is never nice when people appreciate things out of obligation. It�s nice when they appreciate things because they want to appreciate it. And it is even nicer when they are aroused because of their appreciation. And they stroke their small cocks to it.
I wish my porcelain toilet bowl talked to me at home, when I take a shit in it. I wish it said, thank you Tulip, thank you for this big, fat turd, you have given me. I appreciate it and now I am going to consume it, as soon as you press that button.
If my toilet at home could speak, it would tell me, what a beautiful sight it sees. It would witness my hole being pink. Nice and pink. And then it would witness it going from pink to brown. And then it would witness it from going back to brown to pink, again. As I wipe my tissue. And dispose of the tissue in the toilet. It is even appreciative of the toilet paper, that has my shit on it.

Format: mov
Size: 2.61 GB
Duration: 00:16:11


Scatmania_Tulip - What Toilets Are Exposed


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Scatmania June - June Is In Control

A new star joins Tulip�s Turd Tunnel. Expect this star to rise fast with her bountiful booty, sultry voice, and firm logs of shit. Wel-cum to the world of June Starr.
The scene opens with June feeding an entire log of sweet shit to Poo-vert. The scene closes with a strip tease, showcasing the bountiful booty of June Starr.
Here is an excerpt from June:
�I control you with my shit. My shit-shack is wonderful for shagging and wonderful for shitting. But I control you with my shit. I shag when I am horny but I shit when I want to control men. And that�s what I am doing with you.
I know that you can smell my rank, filthy, foul smell. And you can taste my disgusting shit. Yes. And I know that the way it tastes makes it smell even stronger. And the way it smells makes it taste even stronger.
I know you are always going to eat this produce like groceries. Because I control you this way. Yes, that�s right. Every single time. I control you just like this. Yea, I control you with my shit. With the smell of it, with the feel of it, with the taste of it. Yea, that�s right. This is how I control you.�

Format: mov
Size: 2.39 GB
Duration: 00:14:45


Scatmania_June - June Is in