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~Scatmania | Shit and eat dirty collection~


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Scatmania Pc-32 - I Can Not Do It! Become A Flight Woman With The Best Coprophagy

This is a copy of the jav movie PC-32. I ran it through an AI to remove noise and compression artifacts and then interpolated it to 60 FPS. Finally I encoded it in H265 to get the file size down but maintain the same quality.

This is the delightfully disgusting movie PC-32. Basically it involves several scenes of the girls consuming their own shit in several ways. The first few scenes involve a tube that basically dumps their shit directly down into their mouths. Towards the end many of the girls get enemas and are forced to drink it.

If you like this upload leave a comment below or even better vote on one of my request.

Format: mp4
Size: 2.11 GB
Duration: 02:03:41


Scatmania_PC-32 - I Can Not Do It! Become A Flight Woman With The Best Coprophagy.mp4


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Scatmania Unkb-325 - Diet Feces Woman

This is delightfully disgusting scat movie from the Unko Club label.

Since most releases of this movie were of poor quality I ran it through an AI to clean up video and compression artifacts and used the AI to interpolate it to 60 FPS. Finally I encoded it in H265 to keep the file size down but quality high.

This is probably the highest quality version of this movie online now (until a better rip is done).

Format: mp4
Size: 975.76 MB
Duration: 01:28:00


Scatmania_UNKB-325 - Diet Feces Woman.mp4